Mar 31, 2009

Butler Update

Hard to believe that 5 months ago Steve and I were at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. Enjoying the beauty of the Colorado River and the Canyon itself.

Since December 29th we have been in Rolla, MO enjoying the beautiful mid west. Steve enjoys hiking and cave exploring here in Phelps County on his days off from the VA Medical Center.

Check Spelling
We were able to travel home this past weekend for a "quick trip" 26 hours we visited with both parents, spent time in the pool with Hunter, went to dinner with Donna and Rodger, attended church with communion, visited with Donna, Ashley and Kayla after church had lunch at McAlister's and was able to see and hug Mollie and Steve got his hair cut all before we left to return home. No wonder we were tired when we got back to Rolla.

I must say we are blessed that this assignment is only 3 hours from home. We get to visit with family and friends before returning to our "work world" almost like a mini vacation every other week.

Our contracts here have been extended until June/July so Steve and I have begun dreaming about..."where do we go next"...Florida, Tennessee, Texas. We know that God will bless us with our next assignment just as he has over the past year.

Mar 16, 2009

Family & Friends Weekend

Steve and I went home for the weekend! Friday night everyone gathered for dinner (even Darla joined know she is part of the family) to talk about the week, catch up on the latest and make a game plan for Saturday morning.

Saturday morning at 0700 we (Steve and I, Hunter, Mom, Dad and Kayla) left for Charleston to help Jan and Red clean up from the ice storm last month. We were able to cut down three trees that had major damage from the ice.
Everyone worked hard during the day to make their backyard look more like a backyard. Jan cook a huge pot of stew to feed everyone and an amazing "Apple Cake", no small chore because by lunch time she had 9 of us to feed (Mike stopped by to lend a hand).
Hunter seemed to enjoy himself no matter what...riding the tractor or 4-wheeler,
helping stack wood or playing in the dirt...OH! to be 6 years old and have that much energy!

After we finished at Mr. & Mrs. Butler's for the day we were off the the pool and hot tub to relax for the evening. Steve, Ashley, Kayla and Hunter enjoyed a game of football in the pool between taking turns in the hot tub.

Steve and I are truly blessed to have such a wonderful family and great friends!
With the weekend over...Steve is on his way to work and I am off to bed so that I can work 7p-7a tonight.

Mar 12, 2009

"Home for the weekend"

We are headed to Jackson/Charleston tomorrow for the weekend...check back for new pics and family/friend updates.

Mar 1, 2009

Weekend in Jackson/Charleston

Friday evening when Steve got off work we headed South to see family and friends. First, we picked up Hunter and invited Mollie, Chris and Darla to dinner at ET's (Chris was unable to make dinner...he has no idea how much fun he missed). Hunter loves the cheese dip and chips and Mollie and Darla have their favorites. What a fun evening the girls talked about their week of school and work. Hunter was enjoying the food to much to talk except to ask what time did he get to go swimming!

After dinner Hunter, Steve and I were off to the Drury Inn for some down time! Hunter loves the water...even more so when Steve and I swim with him. He worked on floating with Steve's help...he is somewhat fearful of being alone in the water and/or putting his face in the water. Next he found the "hot tub" at which he would sit in the hot tub for a few minutes and then jump in the pool and yell for Steve to join him in "the big pool". He is so much fun to be around and Steve and I wish we had just a portion of his energy.

Saturday morning we were up early and off to Charleston with my Dad to survey the ice damage at Jan and Red's. God's blessing was that their house sustained minimal damage but we can not say as much for the backyard. They have substantial tree damage but a few days of work with a chainsaw will change that also. Jan finished my "bed cover" it has grown from an now covers a queen size bed. Steve and I had to spread it out after getting it home to include a picture so everyone can see Jan's beautiful handy work "I love it Jan, you did a wonderful job!" It is a piece of home that can travel with us everywhere.

We returned to Mom & Dad's for lunch and a visit with Mom, Dad, Kayla, Donna, Dennis, Ashley and Hunter. Lastly, we said our good-byes but Hunter knows that we will return on March 13th...he is already counting down the days.
Next, we were off to an early dinner with our friends Donna & Rodger...they are both doing great! Though it had been over a month since we had seen them last...our conversation picked up as if it was yesterday. The four of us laughed through the entire meal and even entertained our waiter at times.
After dinner we stopped for "Good-Bye" hugs with Mollie, Darla...and Dutchess. Making sure that all is right with their world before heading back to Rolla! We miss everyone but will see you soon! My next trip home will include a Ruben and a tea at McAlister's!!