Apr 26, 2010

Home to Missouri

I am a little late posting to the blog but last week was busy with the return trip to Little Rock and work. We enjoyed a wonderful trip home last week to celebrate Mom's 7oth Birthday.
We were able to attend church and have dinner with our dear friends Donna and Rodger...it is always good to get together and laugh.

Sunday evening we celebrated Mom's Birthday with family and friends at Mom and Dad's. Steve and Dennis lit 70 candles on her cake...it was impressive.

Monday Max got to visit Miss. Brandie while Mom and I enjoyed a pedicure...Max has to be next to Steve but he liked the attention from Mollie while she visited.

Monday evening before starting home Jan and Red treated us to a wonderful dinner at Lambert's...great food and wonderful family time. Mike was able to join us for
the evening...good thing you can take home what you don't eat.

Apr 7, 2010

Connie and Clay visit from Idaho

Connie and Clay (Steve's sister and bother-in-law) traveled from Idaho to the mid west for a visit. Though they had some weather issues getting here the weather was warm and sunny after their arrival. Steve had not seen Connie since 1993...what a wonderful reunion.

Max loved Connie and Clay (they are both dog people) the first evening it was difficult to capture Clay and Max together. Max believed thinks that he is a lap dog.

We took them to "Shorty Smalls" for dinner after arriving...it was good to catch up over great food.

Tuesday Morning we were off to the "Big Dam Bridge" to walk the dogs.

Max loves walking...Rusty Wayne and Rosie did not know what to think about the bridge.

Finally, a picture of Max and Clay.

Always hate good-bye. Steve and Connie promised each other that they would not it be years before they visit again.