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Rainy days bring beauty!
True "Monsoon Season" every afternoon about 3:00 pm the wind picks up and by 5:30 pm we get rain (anywhere from 1/4 inch to 2 inches). Steve enjoys watching the storms move in from the mountains trying to catch pictures of the lightening. Yesterday, his focus was a beautiful rainbow that seemed to end here at the RV Resort. The desert flowers are starting to bloom...amazing what a little water will do. Hope everyone has a safe holiday...fireworks are against the law here and carry a $1000 fine for just possessing them in the state of Arizona.
Wow. Not even controlled, government organized fireworks shows? Crazy. In Louisiana, they sell the fireworks at WalMart. Not just the little ones, either. BIG ones, like ones that cost $70+ and have the big warning labels. During the SuperBowl, when we were still at the old apartment, there were fireworks being set off in the back parking lot behind us.
We have gotten showers periodically here this year and it's not been the usual heat. I have only been watering flowers every couple of days...nice! I love and miss you. Glad you saw Malaena-Sloan's red toes and it is SO your shade. It doesn't take long AT ALL! Since I got her April 21st, there hasn't been one day she hasn't had her toenails done. She'll actually watch me do it! I am so blessed as she is an AWESOME baby. Wish you were home to share in this time! I miss you my dear friend. Love, Your Almost Sister, Cheri
We had a great 4th. I went to my sister and bil's farm and so did about 80 other people. We all pitched in and it turned out to be about $900 worth of fireworks! Had a great show!! I'm glad we can enjoy fireworks here but it does make me nervous . . . very nervous. I don't want anything to do with them but my bil says it's like Christmas except all the lights blow up! He and his brother are a bit of a pyromaniac I think. They just love it!
So glad to get to read what all you're doing and where you are. It looks so beautiful and so very different from here. I love the idea of the dogs watching the psych patients (re: your email). Never heard of that before!
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