Steve and I have enjoyed a quite New Year's Day in Rolla, MO. We want to wish all of our family and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Sherry... just to let you now my Christmas Cactus is loving the weather in Missouri, thank you it is beautiful.
Happy New Year! It has occurred to me that I haven't checked out your blog in...quite some time. I'm sorry!! I love all the pictures and I can't wait to see you guys soon!
I could be mad at you if I didn't love you so much! Donnie and I wanted to go out to eat for one of our "traditional" holiday meals, and you moved on us early! UGH! I saw our girl today and she told me you ahad left early. Call me when you have time. Love!
Hi, The cactus looks as good in the picture as it did at Christmas when we saw it. I like the Christmas cactus is AZ. I still think they are neat to see but am like you two I would not like to live there again. Enjoyed Christmas with you and will see you soon hopefully. It is suppose to have ice here tonight and snow on Wed. We'll see. Time to go to bed. Good night. Love to you.
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