I ask all of our friends and family to keep Grandma Proffer in your prayers. She remains on hospice at the Lutheran Home in Cape G
irardeau, MO.

My Aunt Mary, Aunt Glenda and Mom have been taking turns to be at Grandma's bedside with a lot of grandchildren and great-grandchildren stopping in to visit this weekend for Mother's Day.
Grandma is a remarkable woman who with the help of my Grandfather raised 4 children on a carpenter's salary.
She has been a rock for Mollie and I since we moved back to Jackson in 1997. On Labor Day of 2000 a "for sale" sign was placed in the yard of the house two doors down from her...at 7:30 am she called my Mother to have me call and "see about buying the house...because Mollie needed a real home"...she hated us living in an apartment and throwing away our money. On September 20, 2000 Mollie and I moved into the house two doors down. Mollie would stop by Grandma's after school...Mollie always said she stopped "to check on Grandma" but I think it was because Grandma baked cherry pie on a regular basis.
December 2005 as I took Grandma home from a family Christmas Eve celebration she said to me, "Why don't you marry Steve...he is a good man and if you keep telling him NO he is going to stop asking." December 22, 2006 Steve and I were married. I will add that we are happier now than we were the day we got married.
Grandma has seen Mollie and I through good times and bad. She has offered encouragement either in words or just a simple pat on the hand.
When Steve and I left on our travel assignment she was fearful for our safety but wanted us to have a great time. She knew us both when we returned from Tucson, AZ looking up at Steve and joking about his weight.
Since we have been in Rolla, MO it has been a blessing to visit Grandma more often...even if to just return that encouraging pat on the hand. God please be with Grandma.
1 comment:
So, how many times did Dad ask you to marry him, Brenda? :)
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