Yesterday Steve and I with the help of McAlisters Deli and the wonderful Mrs. Terry provided the meal for Vacation Bible School at church.
I had so much fun as everyone noticed the "watermelon whale", octopus made from hot dogs, gummie worms and gold fish. What blessings children are in the world...I can not imagine what life would be like if we were unable to view the world through a child's eye.

VBS is on Safari with the focus of the lesson last night on how "God Protects".

The group sang "Happy Birthday" to me which was sweet...made me feel young for a moment. Every class made "Thank You" notes for Steve and I...signed by every child attending VBS.
P.S. Thank you Mom for helping me transport all of the food and never would have fit in my truck!
What a GREAT treat...glad you let us be a part of it!!!! hugs!
*squeals* The octopus hotdogs are adorable!
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